My Beautiful Souls,
Good morning! Happy Month of May to Everybodeee! It’s a new day, new month, new week, and the start of a new YOU! This is YOUR time to shine. You are the most important person and should feel valued, worthy, and loved. Only you know how to give yourself the world because only you know what makes you happy. And, being happy, Darling, is an inside job that can only transpire if you love yourself FIRST!
Part of the growing pains in transforming into a butterfly is first realizing we’re unhappy with our human condition of being a doormat. We settle by pleasing other people because we don’t like conflict and don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings except our own. We learn to say “yes” when we mean “no” because we don’t have healthy boundaries. We think we want everyone to be our friend. We can’t stand up for who we are because we don’t stand for anything so we fall for everything and become a traitor to ourselves. We are what others want us to be and twist into a pretzel so they are happy, instead of ourselves. Sound familiar?
Daily rituals or habits are choices we have made throughout our lifetime that become our comfort zones. They compel us to place ourselves as victims to our own behaviors. Our mindsets have been chiseled through countless hours of choices that deemed us as unworthy individuals. We mirrored low-self confidence, a lack of self-worth, which kept us in silence and oppressed. We had no voice in making change happen. We continued to believe we didn’t matter, were useless, weren’t strong enough, pretty enough, brilliant enough, tall enough, wise enough, skillful enough, educated enough, or whatever enough to rise higher than the next to make a difference. So we did nothing.
These are lies we told ourselves! We are magnificent, brilliant Starlights with feathers in our hair, sunbeams on our face, and crowned jewels on our heads. Our voices matter, our lives matter WE MATTER! Everything we do makes change happen and is a catalyst for growth, opportunity, and a higher calling. YOU are a miracle to the world! Live like one!!
May is such a wonderful month… It brings lots of rain for our gardens to renew, our grasses to sprout, and trees to bud. Spring is opening up the earth in shades of vibrant colors with scents so organically wonderful, it’s intoxicating to inhale it all at once! This is the time to shine! Spend time outdoors on hikes, dog walking, picnics, cycling, frisbee, roller skating, boating, swimming, or whatever you find that brings joy to your world, just do it! Be safe when around others, yet get reconnected with friends and loved ones to lose the blues and let your spirit soar once more!
I am elated to share with my beautiful souls the wonderful news about my memoir finally being published!! I’m thrilled and wanted my tribe to be the first ones to know! This is a labor of love for me because it was written from love for healing and recovery. I also wrote this memoir for those who walk in my shadows so they know their pain was not in vain. I hope to shine a light into their darkness and offer them a source of support, love, and shine so they too can choose to thrive in a life of glow.
Choosing to Thrive After Trauma and Abuse
This book is a source of gentle guidance, self-confidence, and empowering truth, acknowledging you are worthy of whatever you aspire to accomplish in life by offering support, encouragement, and resources. Whatever you believe you want in life, you can make it a reality. You are the author of your life story. Allow me to share your journey as you learn to make the broken pieces of glass of your soul shimmer once again.
There is a God spark in each of us waiting to shine through the brokenness of our souls to help us reach our greatest potential. So much more lies within our grasp if we move beyond our comfort zones, believe in our self-worth, love ourselves abundantly, and have the faith to jump in with both feet. We can choose to release past fears imprisoning us. The control we believe we have is a cosmic fantasy. God gives us choices and allows circumstances to happen so we can grow stronger, more courageous, and resilient. Life is messy, chaotic, and traumatic, yet we have the magic of spiritual inspiration to make ourselves amazing with whatever cards we are dealt. How we react to our circumstances carries our light.
E-Book Pre-Orders: Available on Amazon June 29th at $4.99.
Printed version: Available on Amazon early July at $14.99.
?Make today one that sparkles with an abundance of joy. You are the heroine or hero of your life. You decide how your story will begin and end. You can change it at any time. Only you can make change happen in your present and future. Be ready and willing when opportunity knocks on your door. Let go of the junk you’ve been holding onto. Release it so the God spark can fill you with the most magnificent gifts of NOW! What is in front of us is far far better than what is behind us. Be present, be purpose-driven, be positively amazing! Make it the BEST day ever!
Please use the E-Book Link from Amazon to Pre-Order my Memoir…DYING TO LIVE, A MEMOIR!!
Sending oceans of love to all!
In Love and Light,
Kimberly Lees, Ed.D.
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