Abuse Addiction and Recovery Depression Chronic Pain Stats Depression Disability Resources Free Grants for Felons Fitness Mental Health Brave CNQR RAINN Nutrition and Sleep PTSD Research Studies Sexual Assault TBI TBI Books Veteran Resources
21 Warning Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship
30 Signs of Emotional Abuse
37 Warning Signs of Emotional Abuse in a Relationship
A Guide to Domestic Violence and Getting Help
Are You Being Gaslighted
Beating Trauma
Childhelp USA®
Domestic Abuse and Addiction
Domestic Violence
Emotional Abuse-It Hurts When You Love
Four Concrete Steps for Working with Trauma
How Early Childhood Abuse Changes the Brain
How to Deal with Narcissists and Self Absorbed Love Partners
How to Recover From Emotional Trauma and Domestic Abuse
International Domestic Violence Resource Guide: Coronavirus Update
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
Is Your Partner Emotionally Abusive?
Narcissistic Cycle of Abuse
National Center for Victims of Crime
National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) OR 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
National Domestic Violence-Dept. of Justice
Partnership Against Domestic Violence
Psychological Abuse: Definition, Sign And Symptoms
Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse
Sexual and Emotional Abuse Scar the Brain in Specific Ways
The Mighty Childhood Emotional Abuse
The Routine Makes it Easy to Stay in Abusive Relationships
Trauma Informed Recovery
What it Means When a Narcissist Says I Love You
Why Do Women (and Men) Stay in Abusive Relationships
Addiction Center
Addiction Group
Addiction Help
Addiction Resource Rehab
Advanced Recovery Services
Alcohol Help
Alcohol Rehab Guide
Alcohol Rehab Help
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Resources
American Addiction Center
Chapel Hill Medical Detox
Center for On-Line Addiction
Detox Domestic Violence and Addiction
Detox Local
Drug and Alcohol Intervention
Medical Detox Centers
Palmer Lake Recovery
Social Media Addiction Statistics
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The Recovery Village
Web of Addictions
✔︎Call your mental health specialist
✔︎Call a Suicide Hotline Number in your area
✔︎In the U.S.: Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
✔︎To reach the Veteran’s Crisis Line: Call that same number and Press “1”
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Antidepressants: Talk to your doctor and visit U.S. Food and Drug
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder News – Pendulum.org
Depression (Major Depressive Disorder)
Depression After Brain Injury
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
Depression and How Therapy Can Help
Depression Screening
Depression Isn’t A Choice, It’s A Kind of Brain Damage
Depression Treatment
National Complementary and Integrative Health
National Institute of Mental Health
Self-Love and Self-Care
Symptoms of Depression Disorder
The Facts on Bipolar Disorder and FDA-Approved Treatments
U.S. Food and Drug- Discuss with your doctor about Antidepressants
Badger Care Plus
BadgerCare Plus is a health care program. It helps low-income children, pregnant people, and adults in Wisconsin.
Grants for People with Disabilities
Our organization provides comprehensive details on grants for the Disabled.
These grants and programs are free to help low-income, disabled people pay bills, mortgages, rent, housing, college, and even medications.
Grants are only given for disabled individuals who can prove financial difficulties. Apply for the following multiple grants to ensure your needs are met.(1) grants for rent (2) housing assistance (3) help with bills (4) education grants (5) medical bills grants (6) business grants (7) housing grants by state (8) free money for disabled persons
Wisconsin Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides high-quality health care coverage, long-term care, and other services to over one million Wisconsin residents. There are many types of Medicaid programs. Each program has different rules, such as about age and income, that you must meet to be eligible for the program.
Medicaid Purchase Plan
The Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP) provides health care coverage for people with a disability who are age 18 or older and are working or interested in working.
With MAPP, you can get the same health benefits offered through Medicaid. You also have the opportunity to save money through an independence account without it counting towards the program’s asset limit.
Physical Disability Programs
The Department of Health Services (DHS) offers information and resources for people with physical disabilities. These resources can connect you with caregiving services for a loved one, provide assistive technology, help you understand disability benefits, and give you important updates on FoodShare and Medicaid coverage.
Resume and Employment Guide
For anyone with a disability – whether visible or not – the job market might seem like a scary place. If you’re living with a disability, you might be fearful of judgment, rejection, biases, or having to prove you’re “worthy” of a good job.
There are many opportunities for people with disabilities to find jobs. What matters most are the knowledge and skills that make you unique and well-qualified for the positions you want to pursue. Your disability doesn’t prevent you from finding a good job that fulfills you.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
9 Fitness Trends to Look for in 2021
A 60 Second Breathing…
Barbell Exercises
Best Smart Home Gym Workouts of 2021: Peleton, Mirror, Tempo and More
COVID 19 Fuels Bicycle Boom
Daily Burn
Dr. Rex and Evie Vlahakis
Functional Movement Patterns
How Strength Training Can Prevent Running Injuries
How to Manage Stress So it Doesn’t Hurt Your Health
Infrared Saunas
Nutrition, Fitness Trends 2021
The 7 Dangerous Effects of Lack of Sleep
The Art of Mindful Movement
The Meditative Mind (1)
Three Fat Blasting HIIT Workouts
Three Moving Meditations to Take Your Workout Higher
Working Out Recovery Fitness for Recovering Addicts
Yoga Studios
Free Grants for Felons
This offers ex-felons financial help with housing, rent, jobs, college payments, debt, medical bills, medications and childcare.
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
American Counseling Association
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
American Psychological Society
Campaign to Change Direction
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Center for Mental Health Services
Healthy Relationships to Recovery
International Bipolar Foundation (IBF)
Mental Health America
Mental Help Net – Personality Disorders
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
National Institute of Mental Health
National Mental Health Association
National Eating Disorders Association
National Sleep Foundation
National Women’s Health Resource Center
Personality Disorders
Postpartum Support International (PSI)
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE)
The Jed Foundation
Brave Resources
The mission of This Is My Brave, Inc. is to end the stigma surrounding mental illness by shining a light on mental health issues through artistic expression (spoken word poetry, original music and essay readings).
This Is My Brave
Partner Mental Health Orgs & Initiatives
CNQR is a global team of dynamic peer leaders, social disrupters and change makers. We work across global sectors in innovative, diverse and positively disruptive ways to change the current landscape of mental/brain health, wellness, and suicide prevention.
Active Minds, Inc.
Depressed Cake Shop
Wear Your Label
Live Through This
Broken Light Collective
Instinctive Bird
Dior Vargas – POC & Mental Illness Photo Project
Deconstructing Stigma
More Than My Diagnosis
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network
The largest anti-sexual violence organization
Operates the DOD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense
Home Community Gardens
How to Start an Organic Garden
41 Sneaky Ways to Eat More Vegetables, (With Recipes)
(1)Obesity in Children and Adults
(2)Association of Sleep Time With Diabetes
(3)The Relationship Between Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, and Depression
Sleep, Immunity, and Inflammation
Ten Reasons Why Good Sleep is Important
What to Consider in a Mattress for Heavy People?
Why People Get Fat
Eating Right for Your Heart
Exercise and Heart Disease Statistics
Depression After a Cardiac Event
Depression and Heart Disease
How Does Depression Affect the Heart?
The Heart Smart Workout Plan
What are the Organic Heart Diseases?
8 Healthy Oils You Should Be Eating & Cooking With
Harvard Health Letter
Healthy Oils and Fats
How Saturated Fats Affect Your Body
Ten of the Healthiest Cooking Oils
23 Things I Wish People Understood About PTSD
Addiction Center – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Addiction
Brainline.org Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Heal My PTSD Alternative Treatment Modalities
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Publication
Post-Traumatic Stress
Give an Hour— for veterans and their families
National Center for PTSD
National Center for PTSD Real Warriors (U.S. Department of Defense)— for veterans and their families
Signs Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder And Treatment Options
The Art of Healing Trauma-New-Synapse
The Gift From Within
These Illustrations Totally Nail How Difficult The Grief Process Is
Sidran Institute
Women with PTSD
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Causes
National Institute on Mental Health
NIH – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Make the Connection – PTSD
Understanding PTSD Treatment Booklet
This eight-page booklet explains in detail the various ways to treat PTSD effectively and debunks some myths about treatment.
National Center for PTSD
This website provides information, resources, and practical advice for Veterans, their family and friends, and the public when dealing with trauma.
VA’s PTSD Program Locator
Mood Network – When you join MoodNetwork as a research participant, you’ll be part of a nationwide study to fight mood disorders. You’ll work with doctors and researchers to help shape the direction of research. For perhaps the first time in the history of these illnesses, your experiences, your concerns, and your ideas will take center stage.
National Pregnancy Registry for Psychiatric Medications – The National Pregnancy Registry for Psychiatric Medications© is dedicated to evaluating the safety of psychiatric medications that may be taken by women during pregnancy to treat a wide range of mood, anxiety, or psychiatric disorders. The goal of this Registry is to gather information on the safety of these medications during pregnancy, as current data is limited.
National Institute of Mental Health Clinical Trials – Clinical research trials are at the heart of all medical advances.
Aequitas – The Prosecutor’s Resource on Violence Against Women
Center for Disease Control and Prevention-Sexual Violence
End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI)
Four Concrete Steps for Working with Trauma
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Mending the Sacred Hoop-Tribal Domestic Violence Coalition
National Alliance to End Sexual Violence
National Institute of Justice-Rape and Sexual Violence
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Partnership Against Domestic Violence
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Mayo Clinic
Protecting Students from Sexual Assault
Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
Resource Sharing Project
Sexual Assault, e-Medicine Health
Sexual Assault Exam Report
Sexual Assault, RAINN
Suicide and Sex Work
The National Center for Victims of Crime
The National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault
United States Department of Justice Sexual Assault Resources
Vision of Hope
WebMD Sexual Assault and Abuse
10 Myths About Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain Injury Association of America
Brain Injury Association of America, Living With Brain Injury
Brain Injury Association of America, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
CDC Concussion Booklet
Depression After Brain Injury
Facts About Traumatic Brain Injury
Free Grants for VETS
Jumbled Brain
National Institute of Health – Traumatic Brain Injury
PTSD Directory Guide for Veterans
Road to Rehabilitation-Concussion and Memory
The Center for Neuro Skills-Brain Injury
These Illustrations Totally Nail How Difficult the Grief Process Is
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury Model System
What is a Brain Injury?
Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice, Nathan D. Zasler, MD, Editor, Douglas I Katz, MD, Editor, Ross D. Zafonte, DO, Editor, 2007, Demos Medical Publishing.
Bryant, B. (1992). In Search of Wings: A Journey Back From Traumatic Brain Injury. Wings Press, San Antonio, TX.
Denton, G. L. (2012). Brainlash: Maximize Your Recovery From Mild Brain Injury. Second Edition. Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY.
Elvington, L.S. (2015). When God Doesn’t Fix It: Lessons You Never Wanted to Learn, Truths You Can’t Live Without. HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. Nashville, TN.
Fahl, J. L. (2009). TBI: Shaken But Not Stirred. One Women’s Successful Struggle for Credibility and Justice while Coping with Traumatic Brain Injury. iUniverse, Bloomington, IN.
Green, B & K. Wolf. (1997). Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Therapy and Resource Manual. Singular Publishing.
Horn, L.J. & Zasler, N. (1996). Medical Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury. Hanley & Belfus, Inc: Philadelphia, PA.
Kay, T. (1999). Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Injury Association of America.
Lees, K. (2021). Dying to Live, A Memoir: Choosing to Thrive After Trauma and Abuse. Open Door Publications. Willow Spring, NC.
Long, PJ (2006) Brain on a String: And Other Ways to Stay Organized When Your Mind Isn’t. Equal Librium Press, 1st Edition, Culver City, CA.
Long, PJ (2005). Gifts From A Broken Jar. Rediscovering Hope, Beauty, and Joy. Equal Librium Press, Inc., Culver City, CA.
Osborn, C. (1998). Over My Head. A Doctor’s Own Story of Head Injury From the Inside Looking Out. Andrews McMeel Publishing, Kansas City, MO.
Silver, M. (2018). Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury. 3rd Edition. American Psychiatric Publishing., Inc.
Stoler, D. R., & Hill, B. A. (1998). Coping with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Penguin Group, Inc., New York, NY.
Sullivan, C. (2008). Brain Injury Survival Kit. Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY.
Swanson, K. (2003). I’ll Carry the Fork! Recovering a Life After Brain Injury. Rising Star Press, Scotts Valley, CA.
Traumatic Brain Injury and Depression by the Vanderbilt University Evidence-based Practice Center through funding by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
Information about the side effects of antidepressants comes from the report Comparative Effectiveness of Second-Generation Antidepressants in the Pharmacologic Treatment of Depression. It was produced by the RTI International–University of North Carolina Evidence-based Practice Center through funding by AHRQ.
For a copy of either of these reports, go to: AHRQ and the Effective Health Care Program.
Additional information for this guide is from Medline-Plus Web site, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
This site is available at Medline Plus Traumatic Brain Injury
This summary guide was prepared by the John M. Eisenberg Center for Clinical Decisions and Communications Science at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.
AMVETS and Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
We offer information, counseling and claims service to all honorably discharged veterans and their dependents concerning disability compensation, hospitalization, rehabilitation, pension, education, employment, and other benefits.
Address: 750 N Lincoln Memorial Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: 414-273-5288
Website: AMVETS Wisconsin – http://AMVETS Wisconsin
Ever since the GI Bill of 1944, the U.S. has put a considerable effort into making sure that military members have access to a quality college education before, during, and after their military service. But with varying academic schedules, scholarships, and health services available, it’s important to make sure that the college you choose is compatible with your long-term career goals. We’ve put together this list of the best online colleges for veterans in the U.S. to help you find the support you need to pursue a higher education.
Offers comprehensive details for veterans who are low income with bills, mortgage, rent, housing, college, and medications . These grants are only given for veterans who prove financial difficulties. Apply for multiple grants to ensure your needs are met. We offer information on : (1) grants for rent (2) housing assistance (3) help with bills (4) education grants (5) medical bills grants (6) business grants.
Business Cost Saver for Veterans Guide
This guide discusses the various support networks available to veterans of the American armed forces for transitioning from military to civilian life. No hero should return from active duty and struggle to make ends meet. These resources will ensure this is not the case.
Mesothelioma and Veterans
VA Benefits for Veterans with Mesothelioma due to the military’s widespread use of asbestos between the 1930s and early 1980s. Thousands of military members were exposed to asbestos during their service, causing high rates of mesothelioma among veterans. Mesothelioma symptoms generally do not appear until 20-50 years after asbestos exposure, meaning veterans who served up until the 1980s may be at risk today. U.S. military veterans with mesothelioma may be eligible for various VA benefits, including health care and disability compensation. Contact us today.
If you’re a veteran of the U.S. Navy or any other military branch, and you were exposed to asbestos that caused you harm, you may be able to file a claim seeking compensation.Veterans who meet the following criteria — and their families or estate representatives — may be able to file a claim for asbestos exposure:
Diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer, or another asbestos-related disease
Have a history of asbestos exposure, which may have occurred during, after, and/or before their military service
If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, but you aren’t sure if you were exposed to asbestos, a mesothelioma lawyer can help determine when and where your potential exposure occurred. Many mesothelioma law firms have databases of information concerning asbestos products and asbestos job sites.
Please note that when you file a claim for asbestos compensation, you are not necessarily filing a lawsuit — you could instead secure money through an asbestos trust fund, or benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Even if you do file a mesothelioma lawsuit, you are filing that claim against the asbestos product manufacturer, not the U.S. military or government.
The Best Medical Alert Systems for Veterans
Yes, the VA has programs in place to pay for medical alert systems. The Department of Veterans Affairs offers two options for senior veterans who want a medical alert system. These systems can be a great way for seniors to avoid or minimize serious medical emergencies when they’re home alone. Family and friends can also feel more at ease knowing that their aging loved one is safe and protected.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Health Benefits
VA provides world-class health care to eligible Veterans. Most Veterans qualify for cost-free health care services, although some Veterans must pay modest copays for health care or prescriptions. Explore your eligibility for health care using the Health Benefits Explorer tool and find out more about the treatment options available to you.
Veteran Health Benefits Locator
Vet Center
Vet Centers are community-based counseling centers that provide a wide range of social and psychological services, including professional counseling to eligible Veterans, service members, including National Guard and Reserve components, and their families. Counseling is offered to make a successful transition from military to civilian life or after a traumatic event experienced in the military. Individual, group, marriage and family counseling is offered in addition to referral and connection to other VA or community benefits and services. Vet Center counselors and outreach staff, many of whom are Veterans themselves, are experienced and prepared to discuss the tragedies of war, loss, grief and transition after trauma.