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(¸.•´*(¸.•´*(.¸. •*”We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that’s waiting for us.” ~ Joseph Campbell
?Yesterday (August 19th) was my 11 year Anniversary of my second TBI. Today I celebrate my ‘third’ life and realize that nothing in life is free, nor should we take anything for granted.? I have come to realize, the prettiest girls are the ones who laugh, smile, and let themselves sparkle in spite of their circumstances…? I intend to blaze my own trail and glow into mine.?? May your magical Tuesday be a blessed reminder of the promises He has kept for YOU!? Wishing you a day of sweet surprises that make you smile and sparkle regardless of what side of the bed you rise…??? Coffee’s on me!?xoxo
In Love and Light,
Kimberly xo
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